Accept the differences

As salam and hi!

..UarrghhhHH!!!*just woke up* ......damn, still dark outside!its already 7 am.....
Uh,, im having autumn-winter season now...just end of the autumn and start of the winter, the season of hibernation for animals comes, we, as a human are not exceptionable...the season of long sleep, sleep early and wake up late...its normal though...what to do, the weather as expected, is cold and so the best thing to do is just to lie down and wrap urself in a thick woolen blanket on a bed..:D

   Well, btw, its not the story of the woolen blanket in a hardcore cold winter that i want to tell you now...:D...but then, my personal opinion on accepting the differences...

  We human, created by Allah swt, the Almighty with such a perfect condition from the smallest unit of cell until a whole organism that consist of several systems allow us to do our daily routines...however, the fact that we cant deny is humans are created with different behavior, different degree of cleverness, physically, emotionally different from each other....and..Allah swt has put some kind of balance features that will correct and support our 'blind spot' features....i give you an easy example, a blind guy that sees the darkness every breath, trapped in a world where every time he move his head he sees nothing but just the darkness..we could say how murk, sad, boring his life would be...BUT, Allah give him the perfect sense of touch, where he can feel, understand everything just by touch, better than the discriminatory touch system own by a normal man....Allah is very fair in his creation..subhanallah

   Another example, there are two of them is named as A, while the other as B....A is very clever, genius type where he can understand, absorb, and digest everything just from his lecturer, B in the otherwise, is not stupid, but need more and further understanding from the textbook to understand what the lecturer taught him, he could not absorb everything just from the class...subhanallah..Allah has created them equally as A in other hand is the type where he cant stand study too long, and he study at home not so much as compared to B where B is the type where he is 'pulun' one, very hardcore-like study somehow, he enjoy and live with,

 A = genius + less study
 B = not so genius + more study          

 So, what i want to say is, dont get bothered by others!!! just follow your pace in the study and give yourself a reasonable study which means you study for what you need to study...dont you ever damn follow others!!!you and him are different!! he maybe lying on his bed 24/7 while you crazily study at ur desk but still getting the same result...seriously, just FOLLOW YOUR PACE !!!

 * Allah swt has created one and every one of his creations fairly and equally...dont regret of not having something that others have...cause without you notice, you got something more that they dont have...follow your pace, be yourself and dont envy to the others


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