Preparing for the winter!!!!

As salam and hi!

  Its November when the temperature drops to -16, when snow covers the Volgograd`s earth, when my friends and i scolded by the lecturers of improperly dressed during this freezing cold WINTER???wait..winter?seriously? the fact that cant be lied is we have an early winter this year..its like snowing autumn...

  So, as usual, we barely able to wake up in the morning, late to class, walking slowly and cautiously, wearing kilograms of clothes just to warm ourselves, and as early as 8pm, we already sleep..T___T duhh...then the cycle continues...

  What to do?? Winter comes with a boring atmosphere, fuhh.."-.- but, the interesting part for me is my seasonal diseases....
   1) xerosis
   2) fever
   3) frequent flu (of course)
   4) and so on..wth?

  Well, these are my remediesssss.....

    > Bottles of lotion

2) lip balm

3) Morning tea with honey

4) Warm thick comfortable woolen blanket :D (seriously awesome)

5) Multivitamin

6) Fruits and vege

7) Curry (medically not important, but promising warmness)

  During winter, immunity goes low and if theres no adequate amount of vitamins and minerals and self-care, i`ll be easily get sick..., Xerosis in the other hand occur when our skin dries. It is explained when the low temperature resulting in a lack of hydrophobic region on the skin that usually served by sebum, then, the water inside the skin will be easily evaporate, the skin then will be dried. Skin will be prone to infection as there are enough favorable condition for bacteria. When skin dries, itchy skin usually the effect, scratching then will makes wound and bleeding. Well, i, myself, got bored already..enough!! phew~

  Russian winter is totally different than any place in the world. Last year, the lowest temperature was recorded  in some region in Russia. (if im not mistaken). Her annoying snow-melting-snow`s winter messed the cars and clothes with mud. Sometimes, i go out with a washed clothes and came back with "pesawah"s clothes..xD (exaggerated)...but then, i still love Russia`s winter..i can feel TRUE snow, TRUE coldness....

...Russia`s winter is really something...its really AWESOME~ <----duhh, dont think that i proud of it!

1 comment:

  1. even its autumn is bone-fracturingly freezing cold~ winter.... =.,= (nosebleed)
